If you have recently been pulled over and charged with a DWI in San Antonio, Texas, you may be facing a challenging and bewildering situation. However, rest assured that we are here to provide the assistance you need. By hiring a knowledgeable DWI defense attorney from our law firm, you can have confidence in receiving top-notch representation. Our goal is to minimize the consequences and penalties you face and vigorously advocate for your rights.

In South Texas, the consequences of a DWI conviction can be significant. Your driver’s license, finances, and personal freedoms are all at stake. That’s why it is crucial to retain the services of a tenacious DWI attorney in San Antonio who will fight for your rights and strive to tip the scales of the court system in your favor.

When it comes to choosing a DWI defense lawyer, selecting the best in the area is of utmost importance. We pride ourselves on being preeminent attorneys in Texas and are dedicated to providing you with the exceptional legal services you deserve.

Why Choose the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez?

  • Recognized as the Best Lawyers in San Antonio by S.A. Scene Magazine
  • Compassionate, trustworthy, and aggressive legal counsel
  • Over 10 years of experience defending clients in San Antonio
  • Available 24/7 to address your needs
  • Former public defender now fighting for you
  • Flexible payment plans and free initial case evaluations

At the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez, we understand the personal toll that a legal crisis, such as a DWI charge, can have on a defendant. Our San Antonio DWI attorney aims to alleviate your anxiety by guiding you through the criminal court system. Safeguarding your financial and personal liberties, as well as your reputation, is our priority.

Take advantage of our FREE case evaluation! Alternatively, you can call our defense team directly and confidentially at 210-672-1435 to discuss your situation.

We are here to help. With our deep understanding of the law, we can effectively defend you against the DWI charges you are facing. When it comes to the courtroom, we fearlessly provide aggressive representation for your case.

DWI Penalties in Texas: Essential Information

Texas imposes strict and mandatory penalties for individuals convicted of a DWI. If your measured blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is .08% or above, you may be charged with a DWI. Underage and commercial drivers face even more stringent restrictions. Additionally, you can be charged if you are deemed too impaired to drive or if an open alcohol container is found in your vehicle.

Those charged with a DWI encounter severe consequences upon conviction, including:

  • Penalties and fines
  • Driver’s license suspension or revocation
  • Imprisonment (even for a first offense)
  • Annual surcharge of up to $2,000 for three years to maintain your driver’s license
  • Mandatory DWI education and intervention programs
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device (IID)

DUI vs. DWI: Which Is More Serious?

In San Antonio, TX, facing charges of either a DUI or DWI is a situation best approached with legal representation. At The Law Office of Jesse Hernandez, we strive to be the leading DWI defense lawyers in the area. As a former public defender, Jesse Hernandez is familiar with the severe penalties and negative labels associated with these crimes. He works tirelessly to ensure that individuals facing DWI cases receive proper representation when they step inside the courtroom.

Understanding the Distinction Between a DUI and DWI

In the state of Texas, a DUI (driving under the influence) is typically the charge brought against minors who have alcohol in their system or are suspected of driving impaired. A DUI can encompass various scenarios and often leads to the loss of driving privileges, community service, and substantial fines.

On the other hand, a DWI (driving while intoxicated) is the charge leveled against adults accused of driving under the influence. If a person’s blood alcohol tests above the legal limit, they face court appearances, penalties, and an arduous journey to regain their driving rights. The legal situation can become even more complex if the individual is also facing charges related to an accident caused by their DWI.

Is a DWI a Misdemeanor or Felony in Texas?

The classification of a DWI as either a misdemeanor or felony in Texas depends on various factors. Certain circumstances can elevate the severity of charges against someone arrested for a DWI. These factors include possessing an open container of alcohol, having an excessively high BAC reading, or having prior DWI arrests.

Texas DWI & Child Endangerment

If you are arrested for a DWI while driving with a child in the car, you may face severe penalties. In addition to the DWI charge, child endangerment charges may apply if the passenger is under 15 years old. This charge can also be filed if you fail to secure their seat belt, place them in an appropriate car seat, or leave them unattended in the vehicle.

Cases Involving Bodily Injury

Intoxication assault is a charge that can be brought against individuals who cause bodily harm to drivers, passengers, or pedestrians while operating a vehicle under the influence. Although often associated with DWI charges, intoxication assault is distinct from a DWI offense. In Texas, it can also be applied to individuals operating planes, boats, or other motor vehicles while intoxicated.

How Our DWI / DUI Attorney in San Antonio Can Assist You

Facing DWI charges can feel like your entire life is hanging in the balance. Such charges can not only have serious repercussions in the courtroom but also impact your family life, social standing, and professional prospects. In some cases, a DWI can tarnish your reputation, affect your future employment opportunities, and even impact your parental rights.

At The Law Office of Jesse Hernandez, we are proud to be among the most trusted DWI/DUI Lawyers in San Antonio. We fight tirelessly to help you! Our attorney understands the challenging circumstances these charges impose on individuals and is ready to stand by your side in the courtroom, assisting you in reclaiming your life. Contact us today for more information.

A Resolute Defense Firm in San Antonio, TX

Facing DWI charges can be intimidating. You need a qualified criminal defense attorney who can provide robust representation. Our San Antonio DWI lawyer began his career as an assistant public defender, continuously fighting for the rights of the accused. His daily practice within the criminal court system has given him invaluable insights and strategic knowledge necessary to provide unwavering defense to all our clients.

Contact Us Today

If you need a formidable defense for your DWI case, we are here to help. Let us represent your case and work toward securing the justice you deserve. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve a favorable outcome.

When it comes to your DWI case, don’t trust just anyone. The Law Office of Jesse Hernandez can provide the skilled legal counsel and assertive advocacy you need when facing a DWI charge. Contact us today to schedule a free, in-person case evaluation.

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